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发布日期: 2013-06-13浏览次数: 412


由必赢网址bwi437院长负责招聘必赢国际电子游戏网站SQA HND项目中心双语教学教师、基础英语教师和雅思培训中心的课程教师,并组织相关教师进行HND项目课程培训。招聘双语教学教师的条件如下:




4.系统学习过高等教育学、教育心理学、了解教师职业道德和工作规范,以及必赢国际电子游戏网站SQA HND项目中心的教师手册和内审员手册。



The president of the School of International Education takes charge of recruiting bilingual teachers, English teachers and teachers in IELTS Training centre, and organizes HND course training for them. Recruiting requirements for bilingual teachers are listed as follows:

1. Having Teachers’ Certificate of Higher Education, with same specialty or educational background of related specialty, medium-grade professional title or above, or with master’s degree or above, or being an assistant with outstanding performance in the course supposed to be delivered.

2. Having good command of English, with background of studying abroad or overseas advanced studies, or with majoring in English and one-year teaching experience in the major.

3. Clearly understanding teaching process, being familiar with the US and AE of the course supposed to be delivered, mastering teaching content and British teaching philosophy and methodology, having compiled lesson plans and courseware (at least one third finished), reasonably selecting teaching materials and reference books.

4. Having systematically studied higher education, educational psychology, knowing well about teachers’ professional ethic and working norms as well as Teachers’ Handbook, IV Handbook in SQA HND centre of FJXU.

When an employment is attempted, the candidates should fill in “Application Form of Bilingual Teacher Recruitment (College English, IELTS)”. They should provide necessary documents to prove their qualifications, they will be interviewed by the course director in relevant Teaching and Researching Sections, after examination and appraisal, and reviewed by Dean of School of International Education, approved by Teaching-affair Department in FJXU, and they are finally employed to deliver a course.


由必赢网址bwi437SQA HND项目中心主任制定双语教师培训计划并组织实施;由雅思培训中心主任制定雅思课程教师培训计划并组织实施。



2. 每学期每月召开课程小组会议,进行教师的专业课培训。

3.每个学期开学前开展“Induction Week”活动。

4.了解SQA HND项目信息和英式教育方法,了解考核员、内审员职责和流程。






1.      什么是HND

2.      考核员和内审员的职责分别是什么?

3.      HND课程的授课特点是什么?

4.      如何进行学生考核?

5.      内审流程是什么?

      6. 学生申诉流程(对考核成绩)是什么?

Staff Training

The director of SQA HND centre in the School of International EducationFJXU is in charge of formulating and implementing the training plans for bilingual teachers, the director of IELTS Training centre is in charge of formulating and implementing the training plans for IELTS teachers.

A staff training program is arranged before each term starts. The program includes:

1. Fill in the form of Continuous Professional Development, and arrange new staff to attend lectures in related universities either at home or abroad.

2. Course director convokes monthly course team meeting to conduct HND unit training for teachers;

3. Organize introductive activities as “Induction Week” at the beginning of each semester.

4. Ensure that the teachers are able to understand the information about SQA HND programme and British teaching methods, as well as the duties and working procedures of assessors and internal verifiers.

5. Understand the bilingual teaching methods or requirements for IELTS training. Gain insight of “student-centred” learning techniques, designing appropriate class activities, allocating time of delivery.

6. Be familiar with vocational education and the requirements about how to acquire professional qualifications and Higher National Diploma for candidates.

7. Familiarize the Mentoring System and approaches to guide the candidates, as well as responsibilities shouldered by the mentors.

8. Understand Candidates Appeals (for Assessment Decision) Procedure, and the process to deal with the appeals from candidates.

Contents inInduction Week”:

1. What is HND?

2. What are the responsibilities of assessor and internal verifier?

3. What are the features of HND unit delivery?

4. How the candidates will be assessed?

5. What’s the internal verification procedure?

6. What is Candidates Appeals (for Assessment Decision) Procedure?

(About more information please refer to Appendix ‘Checklist of Teaching Policy Points’)










The Probation Process

The trial lecture and probation is organized by the directors of relevant bilingual sections and director of IELTS Training centre in the School of International Education.

A trial lecture is required by a sound quality assurance system and teaching–affairs management procedure, which includes the following contents:

1. Before a trial lecture, the teachers’ lesson-preparation shall include the understanding of the US and AE, compiling delivery plan, making well-designed teaching methods and one-third of lesson plan and courseware in ready.

2. The member of appraisal team consist of the directors of relevant bilingual sections or IELTS Training centre, bilingual teachers in related specialties, and internal verifier committee members, the chairman of appraisal team is elected at random.

3. The content of the trial lecture is chosen by the organizer randomly, and the time limit is one teaching hour.

4. The result of the trial lecture is recorded in the appraisal form; the decision is submitted to and kept by the appraisers.

5. The teachers, only if passing the audition review is eligible for formal lecture, on one can strip their delivery rights.

Only after an official bilingual teacher spending three years for probation, and one semester for advanced studies in the UK, and he/she becomes a qualified HND teacher.