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发布日期: 2013-06-13浏览次数: 413


SQA HND项目中心致力于利用其最大努力,以确保教师的聘用、进修和授课机会都得到平等原则。帮助所有的教师都充分发挥他们的学术潜力。在教师招聘时不考虑婚姻状况,种族,民族血统,年龄,性别,社会背景或其他不相关的区别。


更重要的是,在必赢国际电子游戏网站SQA HND项目中心的教师有平等的权利和其他二级学院的教师享受相同的待遇和学习机会。他们完全能够使用所有的由学校提供的资源和设施。确保所有教师待遇的一致性,包括性别,婚姻,社会阶层,种族,民族出身,宗教信仰,政治信仰,颜色,性取向,年龄或残疾等等。

Equal Opportunities Policy

SQA HND centre of FJXU is committed to provide equal opportunities of employment, advanced study, and delivery for all the teachers who are subject to develop their academic potential. Teachers are employed without regarding to marital status, race, ethnic origin, age, gender, social background or other irrelevant distinction.

Unfair discrimination toward lecturing teacher will not be tolerated. Teachers may resort to the appeals procedure if necessary; their appeals would be immediately accepted and pushed ahead by the programme centre.

What’s more, teachers in the SQA HND Programme centre have equal rights and opportunities as all the other teachers in the subordinate colleges. They have the full access to all the resources and facilities provided by the university. Make that no teachers receive less favorable treatment because of gender, marital status, social class, race, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, political beliefs, colour, sexual orientation, age or disability.


所有的教师都有接受一年一次的身体健康检查的权利和免费的社会医疗保险。这是确保教师在SQA HND项目中心工作期间身体健康和医疗保障的优惠政策。学校设置了安全稳定管理部门,确保教师工作环境的安全。

Health and Security Policy

All the teachers enjoy free annual physical examination and social medical insurance, which ensure teachers’ fitness in the SQA HND Programme centre with medical security. Department of Security in FJXU insures a safe working environment for teachers.