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发布日期: 2013-06-14浏览次数: 400





3.学生上交assessment 时,应填写checklist,以标明姓名、学生号、课程名称、assessment 号码、考核日期等,以便教师批改和登记成绩。

4. 如果学生上交的assessment一个或两个部分没有达到考核要求,需要进行重做,重做只有一次机会;如果学生上交的assessment大部分没有达到考核要求,需要进行补考,补考只有一次机会。

5. 补考的assessment必须区别于第一次的assessment,考核员需要自设补考题目,并上报SQA进行预审,在此之前自设题目需经过内审。


7.教师在课业评估中,严格执行标准,科学严谨地评阅。非记分单元课程成绩认定采用通过(Pass)与不通过(Fail)形式进行,批改时不得出现分数;所有考核中的知识点达到考核要求,才能通过考核,记为S, 一门课程所有考核都达到S才能通过这门课程,获得该门课程的学分。记分单元课程成绩认定采用记分方式,即A70-100%)、B60-69%)、C50-59%)与不及格(Fail)形式进行。




Assessment and Markings

The achievement results and credits are identified after candidates achieve the assessments; therefore, unit assessment is significant to examine the teaching quality and the learning effect. The basic requirements are as follows:

1. Assessment is required in each unit, but in diverse forms, which is carried out through its assessment instrument fixed in the teacher’s delivery plan according to US.

2. When assessors conduct the unit assessment by using the AE provided by SQA, assessors must strictly follow the AE and US. Assessors cannot change the contents and standard of AE.

3. The candidate should complete the information on the checklist, marking candidate name, candidate code, unit title, assessment code, assessment date to facilitate reviewing and marking for teachers.

4. If candidate only fail to meet one or two marking criteria, it is acceptable to ask them to redo only the one or two parts. There is only one chance for redo. Re-assessment will be required when Students fail to meet more than just a few evidence requirements on the first attempt. There is only one chance for reassessment.

5. Reassessment must be different from the first assessment. Assessors will have to develop new assessments for re-assessment, which must send to SQA for prior verification after being internally verified.

6. Candidates must submit take-home report before deadline; the overdue report would not be marked. A request for defer submission under some unavoidable circumstances, is necessarily approved by the lecturing teacher.

7. During the unit assessment, the teachers shall comply with marking guideline, marking the candidates’ work scientifically and rigorously. Achievement identification of non-graded unit adopts the form of “fail” and “pass” without any score. When all the knowledge points meet all the assessment requirements, the learning outcome of the assessment could be marked as ‘Satisfactory’. Only if all the learning outcomes of assessment of the unit are satisfied, candidates can pass the unit to get credits. Achievement identification of graded unit employs scoring specified as A70-100%,B60-69%,C50-59%and FFail.

8. The assessment won’t be marked if the candidates plagiarize others or being plagiarized, and the chance of ‘redo’ or ‘reassessment’ won’t be provide either. Candidates only are allowed to retake the unit.

9. The achievement results should be publicized in class within 3 days after identification, and all the assessments evidence should be submitted to International Education School for archiving.

10. The candidates, who fail to participate in the assessment at scheduled time, or fail in the reassessment, may apply for retake. However, retake is not allowed in graded units, and failure in the reassessment of graded unit may fail HND certificate, also the graduation process.